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Sammy Maverick is the President Commissioner on San Andreas State Police with badge code 299. Born in Riverton, Wyoming, United States of America. Now he's retired from San Andreas State Police and his position as President Commissioner.

Chapter I - Early Life[]

Born into a Religious Family, Sammy has Always Been Educated to become a Religious Leader. However, Sammy always wanted to be a Country Servant, which caused various Internal Conflicts for Sammy Family.

Chapter I-I - Los Santos Life[]

After Graduating from High School, Sammy Continued His Education at University of Los Santos in San Andreas to study Criminology. While he was wandering in Los Santos, he worked Part-Time as Assistant Secretary of One of the Top Companies in Los Santos for Meet His Needs. While in Los Santos he also had a Crush named Chloe Kayla.

Chapter I-II - United States Marine Corps[]

After completing his Criminology Education at University of Los Santos, Sammy also wanted to Fulfill His Desire to Serve The Country. Sammy joined the United States Marine Corps through the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps - Marine Option Programs. After Graduating, he Earned the Rank of Second Lieutenant and he went to Iraq to join the Iraq Campaign, the Sub-Mission of the War on Terror, the Main Mission.

Chapter I-III - War on Terror[]

While in Iraq, Sammy was Active in Military Operations to Suppress the Worlds Terrorism Cells. Until one day his team was Ambushed by a Top Terrorism Cell in Iraq, which caused Half of his team to Die, and Provides the Deepest Wound for Sammy.

Chapter II - Back to Los Santos[]

After Improving from his Previous Condition, and after Undergoing Treatment for Post-Traumatic Strees Disorder [PTSD], Sammy decides to retire from United States Marine Corps, and gets Extraordinary Promotion to XXXXXXX for His Service during His Tenure. Sammy decides It's Better to return to Los Santos than to Riverton to Isolate himself from His Parents. After Sammy Returned, Sammy found his Crush already Belonged to Other Man. Without thinking, Sammy Left All his Possessions in his Crush Apartment and started a New Life.

Chapter II-I - Los Santos Police Department[]

Sammy wants to Return To Serving as a Marine, but with the [PTSD] he has, Sammy Gives Up his intentions and Prefers to become a Police Officer, who doesn't have to deal with Explosions And Gunfire all the time. After Successfully being Accepted into the Los Santos Police Department, Sammy was able to Demonstrate his Ability as a Police Officer. Of course, this wasn't his Natural Talent, but rather the Experience he had During his time as Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps.

Chapter II-I-I - Chief of Police[]

Setelah bertugas cukup lama dan berkontribusi dalam pembangunan Departemen Kepolisian Los Santos (baca; LSPD), Sammy mendapatkan promosi ke Chief of Police. Salah satu keputusan kontroversial yang ia lakukan adalah melakukan pengangkatan kepada seekor simpanse berpangkat Kapten, bernama Captain George.

Chapter II.II San Andreas State Police[]

Setelah masa jabatan nya sebagai Chief of Police habis, Sammy diberikan tawaran untuk melanjutkan masa jabatan nya ke periode berikutnya, namun Sammy menolaknya dan pihak berwenang pun memutuskan untuk memutasi Sammy ke San Andreas State Police. Sammy kini berpangkat Commissioner dan bertugas untuk membangun serta mengawasi kinerja Departemen Kepolisian, Sheriff, serta Correction.

Chapter II.III Back to Los Santos Police Department[]

Setelah menduduki posisi Commissioner beberapa waktu di San Andreas State Police, Sammy merasa bahwa dirinya kekurangan aksi dan memerlukan aksi. Kebetulan Los Santos Police Department mengalami kekosongan pada salah satu posisi penting, akhirnya Sammy memutuskan untuk kembali ke Los Santos Police Department sebagai Assistant Chief of Police. Board of Police Commission pun setuju untuk memberikan Sammy status anggota reserved daripada Board of Police Commissioner.

Chapter II.III.I Ally or Foe?[]

Chief Sammy, diam diam menghimpun banyak informasi mengenai kebobrokan anak buah nya di dalam Police Department, dan drama-drama terkini yang berada di Police Department. Sammy saat ini mengambil sikap diam, dan mempelajari segalanya hingga pada saatnya ia akan bertindak dihari pembalasan.

Chapter II.III.II The D-Day[]

Sammy Maverick memimpin penyelidikan kasus percobaan pembunuhan Nando Sierra, pembunuhan Aurora Manhattan, dan pembunuhan Bangkit Akhtar, ketiga kasus tersebut dapat diselesaikan. Juaninho Sulistyono yang selama ini melakukan kebrutalan selama bertugas akhirnya pun kena batunya. John Hercules yang mengizinkan penggunaan senjata di pernikahan pun juga kena batunya.

Chapter II.III.III The Escape[]

Setelah Sammy selesai dengan segala kegaduhan yang ada, Sammy memilih untuk menyibukan dirinya di kantor untuk melakukan pekerjaan dibalik layar, dengan kembali ke Board of Police Commissioner. Selama bekerja dibalik layar, hampir tidak pernah Sammy kembali ke lapangan setelah apa yang terjadi, dan memilih untuk bungkam dalam mengomentari hal yang telah terjadi sebelumnya.

Chapter II.IV Blue Forever[]

Hampir setengah tahun berlalu, Sammy memutuskan untuk kembali ke lapangan setelah sekian lama bekerja di balik layar. Kini Sammy lebih berfokus untuk melakukan fungsi command and control daripada SASP ketimbang untuk terjun langsung kedalam situasi.

Promotion Timeline[]

Promotion Timenile in United States Marine Corps

Service rank Note Date
Second Lieutenant Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps - Marine Option Programs ( Accepted on United States Marine Corps ) XX-XX-XXXX
XXXXXXX Retiring from United States Marine Corps ( Extraordinary Promotion for the service in Iraq Campaign ) XX-XX-XXXX

Promotion Timeline in Los Santos Police Department

Service rank Note Date
Cadet New Recruitment ( Accepted at Los Santos Police Department by Jayden Enzo ) January 6th, 2020
Officer Rank promotion ( By Jayden Enzo during the briefing after the First Police Training ) January 18th, 2020
Lieutenant Rank promotion ( By Jayden Enzo during the briefing after the Second Police Training ) January 25th, 2020
Chief Of Police Rank promotion ( By James Thompson and Alezandero Beego ) February 26th, 2020

Promotion Timeline in San Andreas State Police

Service rank Note Date
Commissioner Of Police Rank promotion and mutation from Los Santos Police Department ( By Government Internal Affairs ) March 13, 2020

Sammy Moments[]


  • Pawlis, pawliss, show me some hands!
  • This is da pawlis, pull over!
  • Loh, kamu menghina saya?!
  • Santai, saya profesyonal driver.
  • Waduh, pelanggaran


  • Sammy tidak takut kecoa.
  • Sammy suka kaget kalo denger ledakan, efek PTSD saat bertugas di Iraqwood.
  • Sammy suka heboh kalau sudah dalam situasi yang overwhelming.

