The Hashira family is an organized criminal syndicate based in Palomino Avenue, Little Seoul. Its members include individuals across both the criminal and civilian spectrum, with several prominent public figures, former high-ranking gang members. The group is active in both legal businesses and high-level crime such as bank robberies, kidnapping, racketeering, extortion, money laundering, weapons trafficking, drug manufacturing and trafficking, fraud, arson, vandalism, gang wars, street racing, and police impersonation. Though fairly new, the Hashira family prides themselves in the respectability afforded to them due to their network of connections and the wealth of experience under their collective umbrella.
Hashira consider themselves as a family rather than a gang. However, the legal authorities have identified the group as such due to patterns of members, and their social media activities.
Formation of Hashira[]
Hashira was formed by ex-Chou Gang members who chose to leave after the former Leader, Michael G, grew disillusioned with the old CG Member now known as Fallbois coming back to town and wanted to take over the Turf and Little Seoul back
The ex members of the Chou Gang that left with Michael G are: Marchsen Cruz, Vita Ghoras, Jean Ramos, Char Delgado, They would go on to become the founding members. Followed by Han Ju Hee, Isaac Wong and Quincy Jones a few days later.
Creation of the Name[]
For the first couple of days after the members left the Chou Gang, they didn't have a name for themselves. They stuck together as a family while also figuring out what they wanted to do individually. They jokingly tossed around some names like “The Shadow Phantom” and "The Famili" as a nod to their meetups on the roof of their Manor as members were blooded out of the Chou Gang and figuring out future plans. While the name "The Famili" started as a meme within the group, the members themselves, starting referring to the family as Hashira. Eventually, they officially named themselves Hashira.
General Information[]
Despite being well-known for the technical capabilities of its' members, from driving to shooting to hacking, Hashira are also known for their rambunctious and often "SBS" nature. As an example their early working name, "The Family", arose out of the monkey-like manner Michael G and Jean Ramos went about doing anything early on in the gangs'.
Although they are arguably one of the less violent and conflict-oriented gangs in the city, Hashira are no push-overs and respond to attacks aggressively and without remorse. However, despite being quick to draw a gun, the group is almost always willing to talk things out and come to a non-violent solution if possible. The group so far has kept themselves out of major gang conflicts in the city and shown more interest in continuing their bank-busting and grinding enterprises. With a large number of the group being either street racers, Hashira are also very active in the Underground scene as well.
Power Structure and Influence[]
In the beginning Michael G didn’t want Hashira to have a leader or a clear power structure since it was supposed to be a family. But the rest of the group were already used to taking orders from Michael G and he had gained all their trust, so they treated him as the leader. Afterwards Michael G decided to implement council a system for making decisions, so everyone's voice can be heard. Even though everyone in the group is supposed to be equal in the eyes of Michael G, some people's opinions matter more than others. Specifically the founding members that were a part of the Chou Gang with him rather than the associates that have been brought into Hashira. As well as making Hashira have three leaders himself, Jean, and Char to help advise the other members. After having back to back war they decided to have a clear distinction between whose votes matter more, and putting actual weight on what it means to be a Core/Full member. Thus giving Founding and Core/Full members more of an influential role and distinguished role from associates.
The Power Structure as it stand:
- Leaders
- Second In Command/Advisor
- Founding Members
- Core/Full Members
- Potential Members - Anyone that is currency hanging around them also Individuals who have expressed interest in joining and have been named by a current member to the rest of Hashira as a potential
- Core/Full Members
- Founding Members
- Second In Command/Advisor
Important Events[]
No. | Type | Date | Team |
1 | Vault | 31-07-2022 | Michael G, Vita Ghoras, Char Delgado, Quincy Jones,
Jean Ramos, Han Ju Hee |
1st Ever Family Vault[]
Early Stages[]
While in the Chou Gang, Michael and others wanted to do the lower vault and trying to achieve this from Grinding the banks but failed. However, every time they attempted to hit the Vault, they never able to get the red dongle for a long time and they gave up on trying.
The Day Finally Arrived
On July 23rd 2022, Michael G, Vita, Ivan, Randy, and Kenzie from GSF, was hitting the Blaine County while Randy and Kenzie waiting at a switch spot. while taking the loot vita got the red dongle, and G told her to be quiet about it and not to tell Randy and Kenzie that they got the red dongle and to keep it for family to use it.
On July 31st 2022, after taking 2 days of planning, Michael G strategized their getaway plan. Their plan involved motorcycles, and a switch to a plane. with all the Family Member except Isaac
They successfully hit the vault with Vita nail all the hack first try, and they all piled into the car to begin the getaway. Vita were dropped off at a location where Jean Ramos was waiting with Motorcycles to firstly secure the loot. a chase ensued with the rest of the crew buying some time for Jean and Vita secure the loot and Jean taking plane from the designated pick-up spot at LSIA with a Plane. Everyone was still in chase except for Vita who went into hideout with the loot, after the cops started to get aggressive Michael was sending on the plan, sending off the Car from a jump behind Post-Up building at Plaice Place towards LSIA. the crew who still had a lot of cops chasing them were started being shot by the cops for doing the jump but able to reach the plane. Unfortunately the cops was able to get into the LSIA fast and trying to shot down the plane, the plane was smoking and unable to Take-off and it was blown up by the damage it took from all the bullets, the rest of the crew was downed from the explosion, with Michael having the worst out of it getting a 3rd degree burn in the face and half upper body. the rest of the crew was taken to prison while Michael went into a coma from the incident.
At 9th June 2023 After being Inactive for Months Hashira has been Disbanded after a meeting between 4 Founder (Michael G, Jean, Char, and Quincy) after a conflict between Vita, Jean, and Quincy regarding Vita trying to make new Gang with Her Husband Kevin Gho. Hashira has Now officially Stop any kind of Crime Activity and Only serve as an Actual Family of Los Santos. Jean And Quincy Making New Gang themself, while Vita joining Her Husband Gang. Michael G, and Char staying at Hashira as head of Family and Stoping Crime Activity. Ju Hee, and Wong are nowhere to be found.