The San Andreas Department of Justice is a statewide investigative law enforcement agency and legal department of the San Andreas executive branch under the elected leadership of the San Andreas Attorney General which carries out complex criminal and civil investigations, prosecutions, and other legal services throughout the State of San Andreas.
Licenses :
Business Licenses :
Sebuah Lisensi Bisnis dikenakan biaya $5,000 untuk warga tanpa catatan kriminal. Warga yang memiliki catatan kriminal dikenakan biaya $7,600 dan harus terbebas dari pelanggaran hukum dalam 5 hari kerja terakhir.
Weapon Lincenses :
On Progress
Expungement Program :
Untuk memulai Program Pembersihan Nama Anda harus membayar $ 2.500. Setelah bebas kejahatan selama 7 hari kalender, Anda harus membayar tambahan $ 2.500 untuk menyelesaikan program. Anda harus menyelesaikan program dengan Hakim yang sama.
Panel of Justice :
Setelah pemindahan jabatan yang mana awalnya di jabat oleh Hakim Agung Raul Morales, diberikan kepada Hakim Agung Dale Holden. Setelah jabatan dipegang oleh Dale Holden, yang mulia Hakim Agung Dale Holden mengumumkan bahwa peran Chief of Justice digantikan oleh Panel of Justice.
- Justice 1 - Dale Holden
- Justice 2 - Gregory Von Karma
- Justice 3 - Eddie Jackson
Former Members :
Name | Photo | Position | Reason |
Steve Walker | Judge | There is no news and certainty yet | |
Raul Morales | Chief Justice | Having an out of town service that cannot be left behind | |
Lulu Burch | Assistant District Attorney | Removed because of extended absences from the city | |
Jambronk Al-Jeehad | Attorney | - | |
Aldrict Lucas | Attorney | - | |
Garry Garvin | Attorney | - | |
Satrio Kwe | Attorney | - | |
Sahrul Karimun | Attorney | - |